There was construction on the street, right outside the window. The personnel know about this, but didn't bother to say anything about it. When we go to our room, we were right next to the construction. We called to the lobby and they said that the construction would stop at midnight, and start at 730AM next morning. We thought that we would be ok with that, but the hotel personnel were suppose to call us back with a solution - They never called.
And the construction didn't stop at midnight... 5:15AM in the morning, they finally stopped the jack hammers. Ridiculous. In the morning, we asked for a solution, and they fibally would move us to another room, but that they will call us when they had something ready. Once again, they never called. When we got our stuff and went to the lobby they finally helped us moving to a different room.
We stayed two more nights and they never cleaned our room.