If you, like us, pick this hotel partially based on the free WiFi, think again.
The WiFi is lousy the few times it actually works, and non - existent at night. When we complained in the reception we got the reply that they've got a technician working on it, but it never improved during our 5 night stay...
When we stated our disappointment, and the fact that we had to pay about €50 in roaming to be able to work as planned we got told that the WiFi was "free" and thus nothing we could expect would be working!
Location of the hotel is good; with Arco de triunfo within waking distance and hence Sagrada familia, Plaza Cataluña and La Rambla as well.
Breakfast at the hotel is expensive (€13 for a buffet), but you can easily find better alternatives in the vicinity - our favourite ended up being a "hole in the wall" just around the corner if you turn left exiting the hotel - coffee with toast, egg and bacon for €4.95.